Wouter Mulders


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Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Online Just Sustainability Transitions Course

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Do you believe, like us, that sustainability and social justice are key to fundamental change? ‘Just Sustainability Transitions’ is a six-month online course that provides the tools and inspiration you need to create your own transition strategy. This year, we're organising a third edition!

The Just Sustainability Transitions peer-learning course draws from our latest action research insights on justice, sustainability transitions and social innovation. This is the third year we are organising this course, which brings you best practices and personal experiences we gathered during our work on transition processes in different settings and countries – in Europe and across the globe.
How can we facilitate and accelerate societal transformation? And how can we really bring in diverse allies to drive systemic change? This course helps you find answers to such questions by combining state-of-the-art research with deep critical reflection and applied action learning. We provide a diversity of perspectives that help you discover what works for you.

Special attention is given to tools and methods with which you can organise a process of transition in your area, organization or sector.
Your guides on this journey will be young and more seasoned DRIFT experts, all active in transitions research, (government) consultancy and education. They specialise in diverse domains such as climate policy, energy, agro-food, inclusiveness & participation, sustainable urbanism and the circular economy.


Illustration by Maria Fraaije

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from May 23rd to Oct 10th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Live podcast-opname over afbouw: ‘Voer voor Verandering’

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Dinsdag 7 november organiseert DRIFT in Theater Walhalla te Rotterdam haar allereerste interactieve podcast-avond over afbouw. Waar moeten we mee stoppen voor een beter Nederland? En hoe?

Wouter Mulders gaat in gesprek met stopstrateeg Marije van den Berg en aspirant-Minister van Afbraak Derk Loorbach. Stel je vragen live in de podcast en praat – zodra de microfoon weer uit is – onder het genot van een drankje na met andere transitiemakers. Koop hier je kaartje!

De DRIFT podcast ‘Voer voor verandering‘ gaat het vierde seizoen in. In dit nieuwe seizoen gaan we aan de slag met de vraag: als goede afbouw zo belangrijk is voor een groener en eerlijker Nederland, waarom zien we er dan zo weinig van? In vijf afleveringen, duiken we die vraag in door middel van muziek, verhalen en gesprekken met (oud-)burgemeesters, activisten, een rouw- en verliestherapeut en allerlei andere experts en ervaringsdeskundigen.

Omdat we meer willen doen dan alleen (uit)zenden, gaan we dinsdagavond 7 november een live podcast opnemen, waarin we het gesprek aan gaan met ons (luisteraars)netwerk over afbouw. Daar kun jij bij zijn!
Het programma ziet er als volgt:

  • 18:30 – deuren open
  • 19:00 – start van de avond met inleiding
  • 19:45 – live opname met Wouter Mulders, Marije van den Berg en Derk Loorbach
  • 20:30 – afsluiting
  • 21:00 – napraten en gelegenheid tot drankje

De avond zal plaatsvinden in Theater Walhalla’s ‘Kleine Walhalla’, Sumatraweg 9-11 op Katendrecht in Rotterdam.

Kaartjes kosten € 12 en zijn te koop via deze link.

Wouter Mulders's picture Lecture / presentation on Nov 7th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Question hour: Accelerating the energy transition

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As DRIFT, we’re noticing that changemakers in the energy transition are currently facing challenges that we could only dream of years ago – or that kept us up at night. In this question hour, you get to ask transition experts Gijs Diercks and Noortje Flinkenflögel all sorts of questions about the energy transition in general and our course Versnelling van de Energietransitie in particular.

Wouter Mulders's picture Online event on Jun 2nd
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Just Sustainability Transitions Course

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Do you believe, like us, that sustainability and social justice are key to fundamental change? ‘Just Sustainability Transitions’ is a six-month online course that provides the tools and inspiration you need to create your own transition strategy.

The Just Sustainability Transitions is a peer-learning course from DRIFT, The Dutch Research Institute for Transitions. It draws from our latest action research insights on justice, sustainability transitions and social innovation.

How can we facilitate and accelerate societal transformation? And how can we really bring in diverse allies to drive systemic change? This course helps you find answers to such questions by combining state-of-the-art research with deep critical reflection and applied action learning. We provide a diversity of perspectives that help you discover what works for you.

Special attention is given to tools and methods with which you can organise a process of transition in your area, organization or sector.
Your guides on this journey will be young and more seasoned DRIFT experts, all active in transitions research, (government) consultancy and education. They specialise in diverse domains such as climate policy, energy, agro-food, inclusiveness & participation, sustainable urbanism and the circular economy.

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from May 4th to Oct 12th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Accelerating the energy transition

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The long awaited acceleration of the energy transition is happening. In terms of solar and sustainable electricity, the Netherlands is doing well. But with the war in Ukraine, the trickiness of moving away from natural gas and the sizeable challenge for our industry, there’s a lot to do still. Especially if we want to make the transition just & fair.

Do you want to improve your knowledge, insight and network to accelerate the energy transition in your line of work? Join the new edition of this Dutch-language course, on locations throughout the Netherlands.

PS We are aware that courses can be costly, which is why on 1 September we are also taking sign-ups for a wildcard entry to this course, free of charge. If you are interested in that, please keep an eye on DRIFT for Transition's socials and newsletter.

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from Oct 13th to Dec 15th
Wouter Mulders, Communications Coordinator at Drift, posted

Transitiemaker Training

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Arm yourself with the skills and knowledge to shape sustainability and justice transitions. A four-day training program in Dutch for young professionals that want to be transition makers.

Wouter Mulders's picture Masterclass / workshop from Sep 30th to Oct 28th