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Highlight from Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Data Dilemma's: De Voedseltransitie

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Er komt weer een Data Dilemma's event aan! Ook de voedseltransitie brengt data dilemma's met zich mee. Één van de duurzame ambities in de Metropoolregio Amsterdam is bijvoorbeeld een lokale, transparante voedselketen. Maar; wat is lokaal? Wat is duurzaam? En hoe gaan we om met data in de voedselketen? Er zullen deze middag sprekers aan het woord komen die vanuit verschillende invalshoeken naar data en voedsel kijken.

Kees-Willem en Jan Wester: Lokaal en duurzaam inkopen en de Agrifood Data Common
Kees-Willem Rademakers, docent en onderzoeker aan de HvA, en Jan Wester, directeur BDVC en kwartiermaker DVC Agri&Food, zullen deze editie van Data Dilemma's aftrappen. De Hogeschool en Universiteit van Amsterdam hebben de ambitie om hun voedsel voor kantines lokaal en duurzaam te gaan inkopen. Dit vraagt om robuuste en transparante lokale voedselketens waar true cost pricing integraal onderdeel van uit maakt. De ontwikkeling van een gemeenschappelijke Agrifood Data Common stelt bedrijven in de korte voedsel keten data in eigen beheer uit te wisselen. Kees-Willem zal ons meenemen in de dilemma’s waar je bij het inkoopbeleid tegen aan loopt en Jan voegt daar dilemma’s rond leveringszekerheid en voedselveiligheid aan toe en bespreken we hoe de Agrifood Data Common daar bij kan helpen.

Lenno Munnikes: De Supermarkt van de Toekomst
Lenno Munnikes, directeur-bestuurder van de Flevo Campus, houdt zich al lang bezig met het onderwerp voedsel. De Flevo Campus houdt zich bezig met stedelijke voedsel vraagstukken vanuit het perspectief van de consument. Almere is het Living Lab van de de Flevo Campus. Een van de projecten waar ze zich mee bezig houden is De Supermarkt van de Toekomst, waarbij ze kijken hoe ze meer lokale producten in de supermarkt kunnen krijgen. Maar wat betekent lokaal? En is lokaal ook echt duurzamer en gezonder?

Het derde onderwerp en spreker wordt binnenkort bekendgemaakt!


  • 15:30-15:45 Inloop
  • 15:45-15:55 Welkom en introductie door Amsterdam Smart City
  • 16:00-17:00 Inhoudelijk programma met de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Big Data Value Center, Flevo Campus, & meer!
  • 17:00-17:30 Q&A en panel discussie
  • 17:30-18:00 Wrap-up en drankjes


Wordt binnenkort bekendgemaakt! (Amsterdam)

Over Data Dilemma’s

Vier keer per jaar onderzoeken we de mogelijkheden om data en nieuwe technologieën te gebruiken om stedelijke en maatschappelijke uitdagingen aan te pakken, met de nadruk op verantwoorde digitalisering. Het doel is om data te gebruiken om steden veiliger, schoner en toegankelijker te maken, maar wat gebeurt er met alle data die wordt verzameld? Welke dilemma’s komen we tegen als we (persoonlijke) data verzamelen om de stad te verbeteren? Deze vragen zijn van belang voor iedereen: overheden, kennisinstellingen, bedrijven en het maatschappelijk middenveld. Het Amsterdam Smart City netwerk wilt graag met je verkennen welke beslissingen nodig zijn voor verantwoord gebruik van data.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Highlight from Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City Transition Day 2024: Recap

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On Thursday, March 7th, Amsterdam Smart City partners gathered for a day full of inspiration, exchange and connection with each other at our Transition Day! In this article, we give you a quick overview of the challenges we discussed, the inspiration session and the crash course drawing. Interesting in learning more? Read the challenge descriptions by our Program Managers Noor and Pelle (linked below).

About our Transition Days

Our yearly Transition Day is the day on which we investigate together with the network where we can make the most impact this year. Last year on, we mainly looked at the underlying barriers to the (then) surprising challenges and results. These challenges, such as mobility justice and human digitalization, are now completed or handed over. That is why this Transition Day we started working on new challenges. We started working on transition tasks that can only be advanced by working together, where we as a network can make a difference. Together with our knowledge partners and the challenge submitters from our network, we put together the 2024 full day program.

The Underground Challenge

In this session, we dived into the world of underground infrastructure. Many different stakeholders deal with the underground. Electricity cables, fibre optic cables, gas pipelines, heat networks, sewers, but also tree roots and soil, form a complex playing field with many different interests for the parties involved. Right now, collaboration, data sharing, and co-planning between these parties is sub-optimal. Therefore, we started the challenge: Understanding the underground: Collaborating, Sharing Data, and Co-Planning. You can find all the information on the challenge here.

Would you like to join this challenge? Please get in touch with Noor at

The Cooperative Challenge

In the past decade, we have witnessed a surge of cooperatives across society. This is great because cooperative initiatives can help drive sustainability and social goals. However, these initiatives always remain small-scale and localized and, in most cases, accessible only to specific and select demographics. In this session, we discussed the barriers to making cooperatives more mainstream. We decided to focus on the energy domain and defined the following question: How can we help to mainstream energy cooperatives and ensure that structures in society make room for them and barriers are resolved?

You can find all the information on this challenge here. Would you like to join this challenge? Please get in touch with Noor at

The Floating Urban Development Challenge

Due to lack of space and climate change, the future of living might need to partly move on to water areas. Researchers and designers are therefore imagining and conceptualizing floating urban development. However, to make it a truly realistic and imaginable future scenario, there are more hurdles to overcome. This challenge aims to change our collective belief in a way that living on water becomes as a serious option conceivable for everyone. We’ll work on creating imaginable and workable scenarios of urban development on water.

You can find all the information on this challenge here. Would you like to join this challenge? Please get in touch with Pelle at

The Circular challenge

Circular initiatives often struggle to progress beyond the pilot phase. Numerous barriers hinder these circular initiatives, such as lack of data, implementation across the entire production chain, regulatory obstacles, and higher costs.

To overcome these barriers, adjustments to regulations are necessary to better align with circular initiatives, alongside the establishment of shared ownership within the production chain. For this challenge, we decided to focus on Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure. You can find all the information on this challenge here.
Would you like to join this challenge? Please get in touch with Noor at

Inspiration session: Collaborating and building Coalitions – Renée Schoonbeek | Arcadis

Renée Schoonbeek (Arcadis) kicked off the afternoon program with an inspiring session about the dynamics of successful collaboration. She shared two area development projects, one a success and one a failure. The collaboration success was the story of Hudson Square, New York. They successfully managed to get more green into the city, better facilities for bicycles and pedestrians, and renovated a public park. The keys to success were a grassroots initiative, clear goals, and a diverse coalition representing everyone from real estate to residents.

In contrast, the collaboration for the development of Feyenoord's stadium failed due to leadership changes, shifting market conditions, and lack of long-term commitment. Important lessons that emerged from this failure were to continuously focus on collaboration, avoid false consensus, invest in long-term commitment, and be vigilant towards signals of dissent within the collaborating parties.

Renée finished the session with an exercise. The most important thing in collaboration is to properly listen and ask questions. We practised asking questions with the technique “2 down, 1 to the side”. Where you first ask three questions. The 1st question is a rational question (what, who, where, why)? The 2nd question is a follow-up question, again a rational question for clarification or deepening. The 3rd question is an emotional question (how does that feel, how do you look back on it, what have you learned from it?). This exercise helped us to see things from the other person's perspective.

Renée’s key takeaway for reaching consensus in collaborations was to not only look at what you need from another person but also to see what you can offer. With this information in our back pocket, we were ready to start forming our own coalitions.

Crash course drawing – Thomas van Daalen | Flatland agency

From lines to inspiring discussion diagrams. Flatland Agency introduced us to the world of 'Visual Storytelling'. How can you support a story with drawings, or visually represent a summary of a brainstorming session? Thomas from Flatland gave us a masterclass in drawing, demonstrating how simple shapes can say a lot.

We concluded this inspiring day with drinks and also said goodbye to Leonie as program director. With tears and laughter, we thanked her for all her efforts and dedication and wished her all the best for her further recovery.

We would like to give special thanks to everyone that helped organize this Transition Day. Many thanks to RoyalHaskoning, Flatland, Hieroo, Drift and HvA, all contributors to the challenges and all those present!
Our next event (knowledge- and Demoday) is on the 18th of April. Would you like to participate in this Demoday, or learn more about the program? Please reach out to

Amsterdam Smart City's picture News
Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

PublicSpaces conferentie 2024

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Op 6 en 7 juni organiseren PublicSpaces en Waag Futurelab de vierde editie van de PublicSpaces conferentie met als thema 'Taking Back the Internet'. Het tweedaags programma vindt plaats in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Via panels, keynotes, rondetafelsessies, lezingen, kunst en cultuur banen we ons een weg richting een internet waar we gezamenlijk de regels bepalen. 

> Taking Back the Internet!

Anno 2024 is het gros van digitale diensten en platforms in handen van enkele commerciële Big Tech bedrijven. Deze centralisatie van macht is niet in lijn met hoe het internet ooit bedacht is en zorgt zelfs voor maatschappij-ontwrichtende problemen. Van privacyschending en van beïnvloeding van verkiezingsuitslagen tot discriminatie door bevooroordeelde algoritmes: het monopolie van Big Tech raakt iedereen. 

Hoe herwinnen we - als burgers, organisaties en overheden - de controle op onze data en ons digitale leven? Als we zelf willen kunnen bepalen hoe ons digitale ecosysteem eruit ziet, moeten we onafhankelijk beslissingen kunnen nemen over het ontwerp, gebruik en beheer van digitale hulpmiddelen en platforms. Tijdens de conferentie gaan we daarom met sprekers, publiek en kunstenaars in gesprek over eigendom van data, privacy, interoperabiliteit, decentralisatie en meer. Kortom: technologie gebaseerd op publieke waarden. 

Het complete programma wordt in de komende weken bekend gemaakt, maar de eerste namen zijn al bekend! Staatssecretaris Alexandra van Huffelen zal de conferentie openen. Futurist Karen Palmer verzorgt de opening keynote, en econoom Francesca Bria neemt ons mee in een Europese strategie voor het ontwikkelen van een ethische digitale economie. Verwacht ook bijdragen van Luna Maurer, Mieke van Heeswijk, Bert Hubert, Kumbale Musavuli, Paolo Cirio, Nanda Piersma, Roos Groothuizen, Nastia Cistakova, Astrid Poot, Paul Keller, Toshi Reagon, Julia Janssen, Jan Zuiderveld, The Hmm, Sebastian Lasse, Marlijn Gelsing, Maaike Okano-Heijmans, Reijer Passchier, Tamara van Zwol, Lashaaawn, Benjamin Fro, Marleen Stikker, en vele anderen. 
De conferentie wordt dit jaar gemodereerd door Roland Duong en Abdo Hassan. 

Waar? Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Wanneer? Donderdag 6 juni & vrijdag 7 juni 2024

Teska Drosten's picture Conference from Jun 6th to Jun 7th
Timo van Elst, Student at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Demoday #23: Mobility Injustices and the creative mind.

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In a world where moving yourself from point A to point B is becoming much more crucial than ever, there are people out there who cannot experience such a luxury at the flick of a wrist, or perhaps the clack of an ankle? It is hard to imagine sometimes, but there are those who cannot move around as easily as others; be it because of financial, physical, vehicular, or other reasons. A community that can go about as they please without any issues is a happy community that is beneficial to society – For a collective of governments and businesses it is in their best interests to ensure citizens can experience freedom and liberty in their mobility. The question of how to achieve this freedom in mobility and how to deter against injustices regarding mobility remains a hot topic, however. On behalf of Provincie Noord Holland and in collaboration with Amsterdam Smart City and Amsterdam Centre of Expertise, a group of graduating students tackled this topic on the latest Demoday of 2024.

Starting the voyage : What are mobility injustices?
A value workshop led by Jackie Ippel and Jade Salomons engaged the participants in a fun, creative wave of brain-crackling activities. Participants were presented with a question of whether they knew what mobility injustices, or as we call it in Dutch “Mobiliteits Armoede”, was. An explanation of which followed suit soon after. Mobility Injustices, as described by the KiM organization, explains the inability or difficulties people experience in terms of reaching activity locations due to inadequate transport options, combined with socio-economic and spatial conditions in which people find themselves. As a result, they are often hindered in their participation in social life, which negatively affects their quality of life.

It is important to think about the definition of what exactly mobility injustices entail, as it helps us find a better understanding in finding a creative series of solutions that will solve this complex jigsaw puzzle.

Like a ball of yarn : unraveling theorems.
In order to stimulate the brain of each participant and to get the blood pumping through their legs, each participant was asked to stand in the middle of the room. As was once quoted in the horror thriller Saw; “Wanna play a game?”. Participants were presented with a series of theorems in which they had to make a choice that’d question their liberal thoughts; either stand on one side of the room for one answer or on the other side for the other – No in-betweens. Being forced to make ultimatums proved to be both challenging for the participants yet fun, as it was met with bountiful heaps of enthusiasm. In the first theorem, participants were presented with a question of whether or not mobility should be a fundamental right for each and every citizen. While agreed one did not, but can their minds be changed? A flurry of other theorems were presented, each of which dove deeper into the depths of dilemmas one may encounter when attempting to solve the puzzle of mobility inequality. Like who is more important, those who have low incomes or those who suffer from physical and mental disabilities which hinder their day-to-day lives? Brief discussions flowed forth after each and every theorem, after each voting round, reasons were given as to why one can choose one over the other. After which another second voting session followed. Perhaps new insights would change one’s opinion on the subject? It actually did once or twice! Such is the power of dialogue.

Embarking into the abyss : Worst Idea Possible.
“How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally-“ -such were the words Onceler sung in Dr. Seuss’s ‘The Lorax’. While people do not like the idea of being bad or thinking of bad ideas sometimes this way of thinking can actually bring plentiful new insights never thought of before. The group split itself in two, each of which under the guidance of either Jackie Ippel or Jade Salomons. Participants were asked to come with their most horrid, ludicrous ideas that’d actually make mobility injustices worse. After which they had to decide what element made this a bad idea. Example, if public transport were to be described, the element that’d make the idea bad would be less alternatives for traveling. The final and third part of this exercise required something rather unique however. Does your mind already wonder what? Well, it’s quite simple really, now participants had to come up with what would be the opposite of their bad idea! So what would their idea be in reverse, an actual solution to the problem they created. If your bad solution was to make everything only scannable by QR-codes its reverse solution would be… using solely physical text! For a solid 20 minutes participants racked their heads and discussed until their times were down to only 5 minutes left. The last of those minutes left were spent discussing and laughing about their ideas – A method met with confusion at first was appreciated with loads of enthusiasm by the end where only time was the fun killer.

A creative view found in madness: Crazy Eight.

The creativity cannot just end after one session. Holding the thought of the previous session, participants were asked to gather in a circle around a table. With each given a paper and asked to fold it so that 8 separate square spaces would form on the sheet the Crazy Eight exercise was explained. Participants were asked to draw their solution one of their 8 square. For each drawing they had a minute per square, a total of 8 minutes until all were filled. Of course with so little time there was little room for thinking, imagination had to pull the cart here, which led to both silly and unique drawings. The longer the session went on the more difficult it became – the participants were truly pushed to their creative limits. A well-trained eye could even notice how some participants still tried to finish their previous drawing before moving onto the next despite the time. You could feel the atmosphere in the room shift to a hectic, almost crazy aura, thus doing its name of ‘Crazy Eight’ truly justice.

At the end of the session it was only natural that people presented their top 3 drawings. One after another each participant proudly showed off their creative drawings like a trophy to the rest of the group. Turns out, despite not communicating with one another during the drawing sessions there were lots of similarities in the elements used in each drawing. The bus, the civil servant, and the elderly were commonly used elements seen back in almost everyone’s drawing. Via these sources of inspiration it became clear just where the solutions may lie.

An journey’s end : Results.

At the end of the session we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we At the end of the session, we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we went back and looked at the very first theorem everyone was presented with; “Should mobility be a fundamental right for each and every citizen?”. Last time everyone answered all but one was in favor of this theorem, now participants were asked to revise their statement and see if they still agreed with what they said at the beginning. As said before, dialogue can change the outlook we have on the world and so someone did change their stance – The one person that disagreed with the theorem now actually agreed that mobility should be a fundamental right. A full 100% score! Only after this a talk about what we had done started. Opinions were asked and each participant shared the emotion they had experienced during this work session and to leave it behind on a post-it.

·       Fun and insightful: The gamification of thinking is taking the design world by storm, and on this Demoday, it has proven that this form of design thinking can not only be effective in bringing brand new insights but also can be fun.

·       Enthusiasm: What started off with an iffy approach ended with tons of enthusiasm. Idea generating doesn’t just have to be sitting at a table and talking in your own bubble; it can become so much more effective when the mood is changed from serious and gloomy to frivolous and enthusiastic..

·       Creativity: A creative way of thinking actually helps in generating ideas. Using playful thinking such as considering a bad idea first and then the opposite helps find solutions to problems in a much more efficient way.

During this Demoday, we as a group of graduating students got to know the thought process behind those who work within the field of mobility. While we hope that we brought them plenty of insights and, above all, a fun day, it is sufficient to say that we too learned an abundance of information. The insights made during the Demoday will be used by us in writing our final report for the Provincie Noord Holland regarding a detailed consult on how to improve the mobility of the citizens of the province of Noord-Holland and how to tackle the injustices surrounding mobility. Demoday’s are fun and can inspire even the most closed-minded people. If we could, we would do it all over again. And, if you are still on the fence about joining a Demoday, then I hope that column will ignite that curiosity.

Timo van Elst's picture #Mobility
Sanne van Kempen, Marketing & Communications Lead at Spectral, posted

Ondanks congestie toch bedrijvigheid op Schiphol Trade Park

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Wat in oktober 2020 begon als een urgent probleem – in het gebied waar Schiphol Trade Park in ontwikkeling was was geen extra transportcapaciteit meer mogelijk en de geplande bouw en uitbreiding moest noodgedwongen stoppen – is inmiddels opgelost. Onze baanbrekende virtuele netoplossing is daar nu namelijk ruim twee jaar in werking, en met succes: de bedrijven op Schiphol Trade Park zijn operationeel, breiden uit, en elektrificeren ondanks de netcongestie in het gebied.

Congestie op Schiphol Trade Park

Een blik op de congestiekaart maakt duidelijk dat Schiphol Trade Park in een door congestie grotendeels op slot gezet gebied ligt. Op het middenspanningsnet is geen extra capaciteit beschikbaar voor het transporteren van elektriciteit. Dat betekent dat er niet meer ontwikkeld wordt: een bedrijf krijgt namelijk wel een aansluiting, maar geen transportcapaciteit. Dit is niet alleen een probleem voor de bedrijven die zich hier willen vestigen, maar ook voor gebiedsontwikkelaar SADC (Schiphol Area Development Company), dat in 2020 nog de ambitie had om het meest duurzame business park van Europa te worden (en in 2023 door de BREEAM-NL Outstanding certificering zelfs het meest duurzame logistieke business park van de wereld is!). De ontwikkelaar wilde voorkomen dat bedrijven afzonderlijk een eigen oplossing zochten en er een wildgroei aan gasgeneratoren met de daarbij behorende uitstoot zou ontstaan. SADC zag dat dit slimmer, goedkoper en duurzamer kon, door op een innovatieve manier partijen te verbinden en te laten samenwerken. Bedrijven kunnen daardoor bouwen, uitbreiden en elektrificeren. Over de aanloop naar het project lees je meer op onze projectpagina.

Een doorbraak: de virtuele netoplossing

Alle bij de coöperatie aangesloten bedrijven delen hun eigen transportcapaciteit met elkaar. Zo maken ze slim gebruik van de gereserveerde ruimte. STELLAR Grid Management leest continu de slimme meters uit en stuurt de energiesystemen (zoals zonnepanelen, energie-opslag, en generatoren) achter de meter aan. Bovendien zorgen we voor de financiële afhandeling van deze aansturing, zodat de deelnemende bedrijven elkaar compenseren voor gebruikte elektriciteit en voor het beschikbaar stellen van hun stuurbare energiesystemen.

De resultaten van een jaar virtueel net

Het virtuele net is twee jaar actief. In het eerste jaar sloten zich nog gefaseerd bedrijven aan bij het collectief. De resultaten van dat jaar zijn voorspoedig, maar niet helemaal volledig.

Nu we een tijdje bezig zijn, delen we met vertrouwen onze resultaten. Voor deze resultaten keken we naar 2023. Zo nemen we dus alle seizoenen en bijbehorende energievraag mee in deze analyse.

Het collectief wordt goed benut: in 2023 is 2.104 MWh aan elektriciteitslevering extra mogelijk gemaakt door het delen van de capaciteit binnen het virtuele net. Zonder deze slimme oplossing hadden heel veel stuurbare energiesystemen, zoals batterijen en generatoren, deze elektriciteit moeten leveren. In het collectief nemen in totaal zeven bedrijven deel die weinig of geen netcapaciteit hebben. Dankzij deze slimme oplossing kunnen de bedrijven gebruikmaken van de beschikbare ruimte en opwek van de buren.

Om zeker te zijn van voldoende elektriciteit binnen de gestelde limieten hebben meerdere bedrijven geïnvesteerd in batterijen en gas- en dieselgeneratoren. Het collectief gebruikt die middelen als er een tekort aan capaciteit is. De generatoren dienen vooral als achtervang. Voordat STELLAR deze aanstuurt, bepaalt het systeem of de aangesloten batterijen kunnen voorzien in het verwachte moment van schaarste. Als de batterij niet voldoende is, schakelt STELLAR automatisch een generator in. In heel 2023 is ertwee keer een generator ingezet om binnen de netlimiet te blijven, voor in totaal 2 uur. Toen de generatoren aangingen waren de batterijen nog niet operationeel, anders waren die generatoren waarschijnlijk niet nodig geweest.

Zonder virtueel net hadden deze partijen moeten investeren in elk een eigen generator (en eventuele back-up generator). Die generatoren hadden gezamenlijk tot 31.000 draaiuren gemaakt. Dat is gelukkig voorkomen. Er is hiermee voor 468.000 m3 minder gas verbruikt, en daardoor is er lokaal 842 ton CO2 minder uitgestoten door generatoren.

Het virtuele net is dus een solide oplossing voor congestiegebieden. Dankzij de slimme aansturing zijn zeven bedrijven operationeel die zonder de virtuele netoplossing hadden moeten uitwijken naar een andere locatie in Nederland of daarbuiten,terwijl een aantal van hen al aan het bouwen was. En er is een enorme hoeveel CO2-uitstoot voorkomen.

De toekomst van Grid Management

We zijn trots op ons virtuele net bij Schiphol Trade Park. We horen ook een enorme urgentie in de markt: veel partijen worstelen met netcongestie en zoeken naar een vergelijkbare oplossing. Maar de toekomst van Grid Management is niet hapklaar. Het project bij Schiphol Trade Park is een pilot, en de voorwaarden van een standaard contractvorm voor een dergelijke collectieve oplossing (groeps-transportovereenkomst) zijn nog niet definitief vastgesteld.

Niet alleen bij Schiphol

Schiphol Trade Park is zeker niet de enige plek in Nederland waar sprake is van congestie. Eerder dit jaar lanceerden we onze oplossing bijvoorbeeld ook in het Zwolse Hessenpoort. Heb jij ook last van congestie? We denken graag met je mee. Neem contact met ons op.

Sanne van Kempen's picture #Energy

This online community is established by Amsterdam Smart City, a network consisting of 27 public and private partners that are convinced that necessary changes for the Metropolitan Area Amsterdam can only be achieved through collaboration. At Amsterdam Smart City, we are committed to use smart technologies in a responsible way to help solve urban challenges. We bring our partners together and facilitate collaboration concrete issues within the following themes: energy, mobility, circularity and digitisation.

Get to know us